
Saturdads: 18th May 2024

Time: 9.30am - 11.30am
Cost: £0 (donations gratefully received on the day)
When: 18/05/2024

When and where?

Springboard, King's Centre, Lodge Road, Chippenham, Wilts, SN15 3SY

Welcome to the Saturdads booking system

If you are attending Saturdads, on 18th May 2024, we ask that you let us know you are coming by booking in advance.

Please book spaces for each child that will be attending (Springboard child and any siblings), there is no need to reserve a place for any adults that may be attending.

Whilst there is no charge for this reservation we would still be grateful if you would make a donation to Springboard on the day (suggested donation £1 per child).

If you are no longer able to attend please call the office on 01249 657145 to enable your place to be offered to another family

Tickets available

Event attendees:

30 in stock